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FAQ Management

If you have any questions, please see below. If you still have questions, please select Contact Management Team from the Navigation Menu



1 / How are my workshops delivered for each of the qualifications?

Online workshops through MS Teams, followed by an assignment.

2 / How long are my workshops?

This varies between online workshops that can take between 2.5-3hrs to complete and face to face workshops are full day workshops.

3 / Are the dates flexible for my workshops?

Yes, there are a number of calendar dates to chose from, please discuss your options with your assessor before proceeding with the booking. All assignments have a 4 week turn around and where submissions are late you may be asked to join a different workshop.

4 / What happens if I can’t attend a workshop I am booked onto?

We encourage all learners to attend workshops on time as planned as there are limited numbers on each workshop and these can fill up quickly. So as not to delay, please notify your assessor straight away and cancel your booking with our app support team. Always arrive 10 minutes prior to your workshop start time to avoid being locked out of a session.

5 / What if I experience IT issues during my workshop?

Keep trying to re-connect through the same or different device. Let someone know you are struggling to re-join or have IT issues. Depending on how much of the workshop  you have missed, will depend if you need to attend again at a later date.

6 / Will it just be other learners from my organisation in my training?

No, there will be a mixed group of learners who attend each workshop, there are lots of opportunities to collaborate with others. It’s important to chose your environment carefully to avoid any interruptions during your workshop and if you are in a busy office, please have headphones on.

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